13 AI Tools and Strategies That Will Blow Your Mind and Explode Your Sales  

Every time you turn around, there’s a new AI tool to enhance digital marketing. The challenge is finding the ones that actually work. At the recent Traffic & Conversion Summit, Roland Frasier, Co-Founder of DigitalMarketer and creator of an award-winning podcast, described 13 AI tools and strategies that can generate massive sales and upgrade your […]

10 Proven Tactics to Build a High-Quality Email List 

Are you ready to take your eCommerce store to the next level with proven tactics for building your email list?  With over half the globe using email, you can’t afford to leave money on the table by not actively communicating to your list.  At Traffic & Conversion Summit, the email marketing gurus emphasize the significance […]

We Read These Top Books For Entrepreneurs So You Don’t Have To 

We asked the T&C community what their favorite ‘books for entrepreneurs’ have been on their journey to success… and these are their top 5:  The T&C team have saved you HOURS of time by reading them cover to cover, summarizing the books and giving you the top takeaways.  7 Habits of Highly Effective People The […]

Your Ultimate Guide to Traffic & Conversion Summit 2022

From September 27 – 29, 2022, we’ll be focusing on helping digital marketers and entrepreneurs learn cutting-edge trends and strategies by bringing together the best in the digital marketing space. If you’re anything like us, you’re eagerly counting down the days and planning how you can get the most out of Traffic & Conversion Summit […]

Copywriting with Robots: How to Leverage A.I. to Boost Your Offer Conversions, Email Performance & Skyrocket Content Engagement – Faster & Easier than Ever


To say that artificial intelligence has come a long way over the last decade is certainly something of an understatement. What started – at least in the world of marketing – as something of a novelty has long since evolved into a powerful tool for communication, collaboration and, most importantly – conversion. In fact, copywriting […]

How We’re Successfully Scaling 9-Figure Companies Post-iOS Update

Often, companies have to pivot. That’s not just true of small businesses. RadioShack, BlackBerry, Gamestop are all companies that need to adapt to a new digital world. When scaling a business online, there’s a strategy involved. Many are concerned that this strategy has been disrupted by recent iOS updates.  We’ll show you why that isn’t […]

Cut Acquisition Costs Through Compelling Creative

It’s safe to say that acquisition costs are on the rise. This is due to a wide range of different factors. Chief among them was the release of the iOS 14 operating system for iPhone, which totally changed how information was collected for advertising purposes. Then, there was the COVID-19 pandemic and the sudden changes […]

YouTube Traffic: $50k a day Per Campaign

Are You Marketing Products or Habits? You sell products and services, but what should you be marketing?  In his talk at 2021’s Traffic and Conversion Summit, BankAccountBuilders LLC CEO Joseph Lazukin weighs in with why marketing to people’s habits is the key to sales.  You’ll also get tips for maximizing your marketing efforts using this […]

Are You Marketing Products or Habits?

You sell products and services, but what should you be marketing?  In his talk at 2021’s Traffic and Conversion Summit, BankAccountBuilders LLC CEO Joseph Lazukin weighs in with why marketing to people’s habits is the key to sales.  You’ll also get tips for maximizing your marketing efforts using this strategy.  Habit Marketing 101 When you […]