The Million Dollar Video Ad Formula That Works Again and Again and Again

It should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody to learn that video marketing is one of the most powerful outreach formats currently available to online advertisers around the world. What you might not realize, however, is that this format is only going to get even more effective as time marches on. According to one […]

Deceptive Solicitors Claiming to Be T&C

It has been brought to our attention that there are multiple companies contacting Traffic & Conversion Summit attendees (both past and currently registered), claiming to represent Traffic & Conversion Summit (and/or leaving out important information so that it’s ambiguous whether they represent Traffic & Conversion Summit or not), offering various services related to attending or […]

Traffic & Conversion Summit Acquisition

It’s official, Traffic & Conversion Summit has been acquired by Clarion Events. That’s right, T&C, the largest digital marketing event in North America, is officially under new ownership. In late August 2018, DigitalMarketer, finalized a purchase and partnership agreement with, Clarion Events, a UK-based company that has been launching and growing exhibitions since 1947. Thanks […]

The $20M Inbound Sales Playbook

With so many channels vying for attention, leads and conversions aren’t a matter of thinking about what’s changing right now. They’re a matter of realizing what isn’t going to change in the next ten years. The twenty-million-dollar inbound sales playbook is seven evergreen sales and marketing plays that won’t change in the next ten years. […]