Stop the Scroll Formulas to Create High Converting Tiktok and Meta Ad Creatives  

Marketers need a unique approach to get clicks for ads on social media. As the founder of The Social Savannah – one of the top five most popular TikTok creative exchange partners in North America – Savannah Sanchez offers social media marketing support for major businesses, including Wayfair, Shopify, Kate Spade, and Poshmark. At Affiliate […]

35 Tips for Perfecting Conversion Rate Optimization: Your Ultimate CRO Guide

Hey there, digital marketers! 🌟 In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a game-changer. At Traffic & Conversion Summit, we’ve teamed up with CDM (Donaldson Marketing) to bring you some quick, actionable insights from their comprehensive guide on CRO. This high-level summary provides easy-to-absorb tips to help you optimize your […]

How To Dominate Local SEO in 2024  

As the most popular search engine on the planet, Google has the power to make or break a digital marketing business. That’s why you must be nimble and prepared to navigate Google’s frequent algorithm updates. David Kauzlaric, Chief Marketing Officer and co-founder of Agency Elevation took the stage at the 2024 Traffic & Conversion Summit […]

Top 10 Training Resources Every Digital Marketer Needs in 2024 

For entrepreneurs looking to boost their digital marketing skills, there are numerous high-quality training resources available. Here are the top 10 digital marketing training resources that can provide valuable insights and practical knowledge:  DigitalMarketer:  Why: DigitalMarketer offers a comprehensive suite of training programs, including certifications, workshops, and masterclasses. Their resources cover all aspects of digital […]

Combining AI and LinkedIn: Your Business’s Ultimate Guide to Content Creation Success

Joshua Lee, founder and CEO of StandOut Authority, knows marketers are tired of mass messaging, overly-promotional content, fake news, and selling. At the recent Traffic & Conversion Summit, he offered a better way that focuses on the human-to-human connections that digital marketing professionals sometimes forget. He explained how LinkedIn and artificial intelligence (AI) help you […]

How to Set Up Your Personal Brand for Under $1,000  

A low-cost way to increase sales, revenue, and lead generation sounds like a digital marketing dream, but Dan Fleyshman, founder of Elevator Studio, says it can be your reality. At the 2024 Traffic & Conversion Summit, he explained how creating a personal brand with social media can grow your business with virtually no risk or […]

Content Creation Mastery: The Power of Niche Videos for Brand Building

Creating 120 videos a month in 4 hours and getting the same number of views as traditional YouTube videos sounds like an impossible feat. At the 2024 Traffic & Conversion Summit, Ken Okazaki, founder and CEO of 20x Content Agency, gave an in-depth look at how his agency’s approach to short-form video content makes this […]

13 AI Tools and Strategies That Will Blow Your Mind and Explode Your Sales  

Every time you turn around, there’s a new AI tool to enhance digital marketing. The challenge is finding the ones that actually work. At the recent Traffic & Conversion Summit, Roland Frasier, Co-Founder of DigitalMarketer and creator of an award-winning podcast, described 13 AI tools and strategies that can generate massive sales and upgrade your […]

10 Proven Tactics to Build a High-Quality Email List 

Are you ready to take your eCommerce store to the next level with proven tactics for building your email list?  With over half the globe using email, you can’t afford to leave money on the table by not actively communicating to your list.  At Traffic & Conversion Summit, the email marketing gurus emphasize the significance […]

We Read These Top Books For Entrepreneurs So You Don’t Have To 

We asked the T&C community what their favorite ‘books for entrepreneurs’ have been on their journey to success… and these are their top 5:  The T&C team have saved you HOURS of time by reading them cover to cover, summarizing the books and giving you the top takeaways.  7 Habits of Highly Effective People The […]